
“…the creation of equal parts of a single whole, collection or combination or wholes and parts”

Partitioning Micro Content

  1. Objects, quantities and collections can be shared to create equal parts
  2. There is a relationship between the number of parts and the size and name of the parts and the number of parts increases as the size or share decreases
  3. Objects, quantities and collections can be repeatedly halved and doubled e.g. use successive splits to show that one half is equivalent to 2 parts in 4, 4 parts in 8 etc.
  4. An object, quantity or collection can be partitioned into a number of equal portions to show unit fractions so that say one third is more than one fourth etc.
  5. The relative magnitude of a fraction is dependent on the relationship between the numerator (how many parts) and the denominator (total parts)
  6. Fractions are renamed as equivalents where the total number of parts (denominator) and required number of parts (numerator) are increased by the same factor
  7. Fractions with unlike denominators can be compared and ordered
  8. Common fractions and decimal fractions can be compared, ordered and renamed in conceptual ways
  9. Construct of fraction as division can be used to produce equal parts (equipartitioning)
  10. Fractions are used to describe quotients and operators
  11. Fractions are used to describe part-whole relations
  12. Fractions are used to describe simple ratios
  13. Percentages, fractions and decimals express the relationship between two quantities
  14. Percentages are special part : whole ratios based on 100
  15. Any given percentage can be used as a ratio to generate an infinite number of equivalent fractions (e.g. 50% = ½ 2/4 3/6 etc.)
  16. Multiplicative arrays can be used to represent fractions, decimals and percentages
  17. Benchmark fractions, decimals and percentages which are the equivalents of one another, can be used to estimate and to solve problems